Kalahaeia t'Leiya

Name Kalahaeia t'Leiya

Position Supporting Characters


  • 2 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sun Mar 5th, 2023 @ 12:45am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Romulan
Date of Birth June 6, 2353
Age 34
Place of Birth Boston, Earth
Languages Federation Standard; English; Romulan; Vulcan; Klingon; some Ferengi and Cardassian

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 127 lbs
Hair Color Black/Brown
Eye Color Black/Brown
Physical Description Tiny and wiry, unusually petite for her species; to look at her one would guess she weighs a fair amount less than she actually does. Stronger and with better endurance than the average human, despite her small size, but generally less durable and with less endurance than the average Romulan thanks to a dicey prenatal and early life medical history. Amazing reflexes by the standards of either species.


Father Tal
Mother Aliereth
Sister(s) Ieliene (7), Devora (5), Raikael (3)
Other Family Aunt Caithlin & Uncle V'Lan; variety of other family she doesn't know/has never met

Personality & Traits

General Overview A Federation-raised Romulan who started her Starfleet career as a pilot during the Dominion War and transferred more recently to Starfleet Intelligence after years of harassment by them to do so. May or may not still be a member of such; her exact status is nebulous and unclear; but her current actions are most definitely without official sanction.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Extremely fast reflexes
+Good sense of humor
+Strong overall sense of justice
+Very loyal to those she feels deserve it or those who have shown the same to her

+/- Unique mix and enmeshing of both Earth and Romulan culture, beliefs, behavior standards, etc. Can sometimes grasp or help bridge understanding between both, but just as often this mix leads to both sides deciding she's absolutely bizarre, and her feeling as if she is an alien to both.
+/- General embodiment in much of her behavior and mannerisms of the saying "Do Not Start With Me; You Will Not Win"

- Bad at controlling her temper
- History of acting without thinking sometimes
- General feeling that she doesn't really belong anywhere
- Sometimes a walking contradiction in terms
Hobbies & Interests Anything fast and maneuverable--small flight craft, hoverbikes, etc.; a variety of card games and gambling in general; waterskiing; parrises squares; and smacking people who deserve it.

Personal History Kalahaiea--"Kali" to basically everyone except her parents and more recently also her aunt--began her life in a relatively inauspicious manner. Her mother and father, at the time fairly young members of powerful Romulan great houses expected to one day be senators, chose to leave the Empire near the height of its isolation, not out of any lack of loyalty overall but as a protest (some might argue an entirely ineffective one made with the rashness of youth) against what they observed as the growing power of the Tal'Shiar over the prior decades. Knowing the journey would be impossible to make with an infant or young child, they left while her mother was pregnant; a decision that would leave its own lifelong impacts on their eldest child; between the restrictions in Romulan space, in crossing the Neutral Zone, and in trying to pass undetected in their initial time in Federation space, the pair faced a variety dangers including not only the threat of pursuit or discovery, but also the caliber - or lack thereof - of the ships they were forced to book passage on and their often poorly tuned warp cores, radiation shielding, and safety standards; not to mention stress, deprivation, and lack of resources. A medical officer reviewing the data, were it all actually available, would probably find it reasonably impressive Kali survived to be born; and possibly more so that she survived her subsequent premature birth in a cheap Boston motel room with no medical assistance present. These factors are likely the primary reasons she is a fair amount shorter than either of her parents or the average for her species.

She had a relatively bizarre childhood by human or Romulan standards alike; her parents credible fear of Tal'Shiar assassins coming after them (and a variety of instances of such happening) meant they tried to keep a low profile even once officially known to Federation officials and granted asylum on Earth; but they grudgingly (and possibly in calculation that she might be safer there than near them) allowed their Federation-citizen child to attend school on Earth alongside her agemates, leaving young Kali to grow up with the sort of heavily amalgamated nature and standards common to many children of first-generation immigrants between most any two cultures (there may in fact even be a photo of her in her early primary school years, wearing a human style sparkling pink tiara and bunny ears headband while clutching a small knife).

Kali entered Starfleet Academy at the age of 16 in 2369, intending a career as a pilot; by her senior year in 2372, with war with the Dominion on the horizon, a variety of senior year cadets were sent to complete flight school simultaneously with their final Academy year, and she entered active service in the war shortly after her graduation. She had a reasonably uneventful (inasmuch as such things can be true for either Starfleet officers or pilots) career for years after, though one somewhat marred at times by her intense, 'creature of extremes' nature and promotion through the ranks at a pace that perhaps showed a failure among command to grasp just how young she truly still was; until finally giving in in the late 2370s to repeatedly attempts by Starfleet Intelligence, beginning in her cadet years, to convince her to work for them. Though they had originally hoped to use their pointy-eared prize in an undercover capacity, it quickly became clear she was generally unsuited to such, and instead she served in a variety of postings afterwards as an analyst or sector intelligence officer, most recently at headquarters on Earth. Exactly whether she has resigned her commission (or simply somehow managed to take leave and drop off the map) before coming to join the current efforts at the call of family friends Gunnar Arnason and T'Ango is unclear; as is whether she intends to later attempt to return to the Federation fleet or to possibly along with her parents and sisters join some of her surviving family on the 'other' side of the border.