The Mysterious Egg (IRW Dominus)
Posted on Mon Apr 6th, 2020 @ 10:29pm by
Edited on Tue Apr 7th, 2020 @ 12:45am
298 words; about a 1 minute read
"Science Officer's personal log, December 17th, 2386. I have been analyzing the egg Lieutenant Kerika gave me.
I now have three responsibilities: taking care of this egg, sifting through scientific data from Gorn scientists, and looking for habitable worlds.
Of course, I will not be the only one to take care of the egg. I am hoping to work with engineering, tactical, and medical personnel.
The implications are staggering to say the least. I have found that the Form Hegemony has sought to control mineral deposits, like Magnesite.
They also had a facility where they were working on dangerous experimental technology far from their core worlds.
Many of the laborers that were not Gorn were subjugated species under the Hegemony. I suspect they do not want to risk their own lives.
Ciridia V was a perfect breeding ground for future Gorn warriors and leaders. It is out of the way of the intrigues of the Gorn Council.
The future of Gorn leadership could be raised safe away from the machinations of the Council members.
Their houses would remain strong off world in case disaster struck the homeworld. This is my theory, so far. It would make sense.
Why else would they ferry eggs to the border? But the problem with that theory is that those eggs are still at risk because this is Romulan territory. We claimed it before the Gorn. This is our territory, and I think they knew that.
Maybe they were hoping we wouldn't call their bluff, that we would let it go. They obviously underestimated our determination to secure our borders. I will have to finish analyzing the data.
Once I am done analyzing the data, I can start working on a report, and give it to the Commander for further discussion.
Computer, end log!"