The Mission
Posted on Mon Dec 7th, 2020 @ 11:07pm by Taryn Stephenson & Lennon Stephenson & Robert Stephenson & Genevieve Stephenson
Edited on on Tue Dec 8th, 2020 @ 1:28am
1,272 words; about a 6 minute read
Chapter II: Spreading our Wings
Location: Raven's Claw/USS Victoria
Timeline: 238701.12
"Care for round two?" Taryn asked.
The synth lay on her bed naked as she watched Lennon get dressed ready to prepare for the breakfast rush. She had an inclination Lennon knew she was a synth, but as she couldn't be sure, decided to keep quiet. Taryn had made sure to keep her - dwindling - spare parts locked away on the Kestrel, because storing them there would give her an easier job in passing them off as spares for the shuttle rather than herself.
"I'd love to, but I have people who want and expect their breakfast to be ready on time. Same time later?" Lennon responded, pulling on her t-shirt.
Taryn nodded. "Yeah, sure. You know I'm always down for a bit of fun"
"That's what this arrangement is, is it?" Lennon replied.
Taryn smiled. "Lennon, it's just sex. It's not like it's ever going to be more than that, is it?"
"Fair point. Just make sure you don't get yourself killed, I've got loads to do today and I'm pretty damned sure I'll need a proper release later. Make sure you put some of that body cream on again, too" Lennon said, pulling on her open buttoned shirt and departing from the synth's quarters.
Taryn grinned, and saluted sarcastically. "Yes ma'am"
With the crew otherwise distracted with preparation for the mission, Lennon took this as an opportunity to reach out to her uncle aboard the Victoria, where he was eagerly waiting for information about his niece's mission to track down the Raven's Claw's synth crew member. Lennon had, several times in fact, considered what Robert would think if he found out she'd been having sex with her, even if it was a way to build trust with Taryn before turning her in.
The sex with Taryn was good, very good in fact, but Lennon couldn't let that overrule her judgment. She had a mission to carry out, and that was to apprehend Taryn and ensure her handover to Starfleet for questioning and subsequent permanent deactivation. Before setting up the double-encrypted communications link to the Victoria, Lennon made sure that the canteen was vacant, and the door locked.
"We've got an encrpyted transmission coming through, Captain. It's for you" Genevieve said.
Robert nodded. "Put it up my ready room please, Commander. The bridge is yours"
Genevieve nodded, and did as Robert asked while he made his way over to his ready room. Once he'd disappeared behind the closing door, she moved over to the Victoria's command chair. The veteran Excelsior-class starship was currently holding position near Drozana, after being tipped off about a freighter which was reported to be hauling stolen goods.
Meanwhile, Robert took the seat behind his desk and accepted the communications request on his console once he'd made himself comfortable, with his niece appearing on the screen moments later.
"It's good to hear from you again, Lennon. How are you doing?" Robert asked.
Lennon would be lying if she wasn't pleased to see Robert's face and hear his voice again. Both were reassuring, particularly at a time when she wasn't sure how long it would be before her cover was blown.
"It's good to hear from you, too. I'm alright, I suppose, I'm just not sure how long it'll be before they blow my cover. I think the synth is already on to me, but I can't be certain. I'm meeting with them again tonight, all going to plan" Lennon responded.
Robert nodded. He appreciated what Lennon had been asked to do, and that she was finding it extremely difficult being away from her family and numerous friends on the Victoria. Based on the progress Lennon had made, he was sure it wouldn't be long before Lennon was back home again.
"What can you tell me about the synth?" Robert asked.
Lennon replied. "Her name is Taryn, and she's the weapons officer. I get the impression she isn't very well liked by the crew either, although based on my experiences with her, I don't think it's hard to see why that's the case"
"Do you have a surname for this Taryn?" Robert enquired.
Lennon shook her head. "No, I'm afraid I don't. Being the ship's chef means that I haven't been blessed with the luxury of being able to access the ship's personnel records. Although, there is something else which I can tell you that's pretty big. In fact, I would say your friends at Starfleet Intelligence will be very interested"
"Go on" Robert replied.
Lennon spoke. "The crew have found out about some abandoned prototype Romulan warbird, and they're going to try and steal it. I don't know anything else, but I'm sure the synth can tell me more if I can persuade her enough"
"Interesting" Robert commented.
He genuinely believed this to be the case, but knew that this information wasn't going to be of any use unless the mission to seize the warbird was successful. Then again, such a vessel would be dangerous in anyone's hands.
"Interesting?" Lennon countered.
Robert nodded. "If they manage to steal it, we'll give this Taryn some time to familiarise herself with the ship before we decide whether to let you question her or we come and get her ourselves. Alan and I are about to depart on another five day mission to Drozana, but after that, we'll talk again and go over a plan. We'll get you home soon Lennon, I promise"
"That sounds like a plan" Lennon responded.
Robert smiled. "I'm proud of you, and I always will be. Whatever happens at the end of this, I know you'll have tried your best"
"I won't fail, Uncle Robert. You'll get the synth" Lennon said, confidently.
Robert nodded. "Let's hope so. Anyway, I'll let you go before anyone overhears our conversation. You stay safe, and remember, don't be afraid to use that disruptor if you have to"
"You too, Uncle Robert" Lennon said, taking one last look at her uncle on the screen before ending the call, and wiping the records from her console.
A few minutes after the end of the call, Robert had summoned Genevieve into his ready room. Not only was she his third officer, but she was also his wife and his best friend. Robert knew he could always count on his Texan wife, no matter what.
"What's the matter, Robert?" Genevieve asked.
Robert sighed. "Part of me feels like I should never have sent her there, Genevieve. They're about to embark on an assignment which could kill all of them, and I'm scared shitless that I'm never going to see her again"
"You'll see her again, I promise. They might be a bunch of no-mark mercenaries, but I'd back any group of those whose leader is someone who learned from you at the Starfleet Academy" Genevieve offered.
Robert nodded. "I appreciate the vote of confidence, but what if I've wasted my last chance to tell her the truth?"
"You can tell her that when she gets back, Robert. And make sure you do, because Lennon deserves to know. It's far, far better something which is as big as that comes from you" Genevieve said.
Robert again nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Anyway, I need to go and meet up with Alan before the Pinto rendezvouses with us later on. Can you call a staff briefing for an hour from now, please?"
"Of course" Genevieve confirmed, watching as her husband made her way towards the door, where he paused and turned.
Robert smiled. "I love you, Genevieve"
"I love you too Robert. Always" Genevieve replied, blowing her husband a kiss.