Medbay Tour
Posted on Sun Feb 28th, 2021 @ 8:42pm by Centurion Nancy Gable & Gunnar Arnason & Lieutenant Kaol Ralaa
1,253 words; about a 6 minute read
Chapter III: The Hunt is On
Location: Medbay
Timeline: 238702.04
"Here we are," Gable announced, leading Gunnar into the medbay. "This is what an advanced Tal'Shiar medbay looks like."
Gunnar looked around, and whistled softly. "Nice. Certainly quite a bit above the old warbirds I've seen. Almost looks too pristine for half the things you've described so far."
"Oh, most of those were before we 'acquired' this. But I'm sure it's only a matter of time before we wear in," she remarked with a sigh.
If they were going after Vulture that was likely too true, but Gunnar refrained from getting into that for now. "Speaking of 'we', where is this doctor you were telling me about?"
Kaol strutted into the main area of the medbay and assessed the newcomer, "Surely you must be referring to me. I can only assume that Dr. Gable has informed you that she works with the best surgeon in the quadrant." He nodded his head towards Gunnar, "I am Dr Kaol Ralaa, and you are?"
Wow. When Nancy had told him about that sobriquet he'd assumed it was a brag meant as a joke, but this guy actually seemed serious. Doing his best to keep that thought off his face, Gunnar smiled. "Pleased to meet you. I'm an old colleague of Dr. Gable's. Gunnar Arnason."
"Ah, I see. Are you also a doctor?" Kaol asked, eyebrow raised with curiosity. He has met other colleagues of Gable's, namely Ash Rogers and he was not impressed. Granted the former assassin terrified him, but nothing about the brutality of the woman was impressive.
Gunnar shook his head - he had an idea of how Kaol might feel about his career choices, but maybe he'd be pleasantly surprised. "No, I'm a nurse practitioner."
Kaol nodded, not a doctor, but better than assassin... "About time Dr Gable introduces me to her old colleagues that would appreciate my reputation and skills... perhaps one day you may be lucky enough to assist me on a surgery. What brings you on board Mr Arnason?"
Lucky enough... Gunnar suppressed a chuckle. Gable really had not been turning a bit of Romulan + doctor arrogance into Klingon opera. "I'm here to assist with the rescue efforts," he replied mildly, leaving out exactly which rescue efforts since the few people knew about the actual mission the less likely it would reach anyone who should not know.
"Gunnar is actually pretty capable on his own. He's run tirage and there were a couple MassCals where he handled nearly everything short of major surgery. It's always nice to work with someone who knows how prioritize and keep the most the people alive possible," Nancy put in, just to needle Kaol.
The Romulan harrumphed, "You can't possibly compare the chaos of a mass casualties with its amateur hacking and slicing to the precision artistry of what I do." He eyed Gunnar up and down, "Perhaps with an opportunity to work with me, Mr. Arnason may learn a thing or two about proper medical treatment of patients. Perhaps skills that don't involve a bat'leth, Dr. Gable?"
Sure, poke the part Klingon bear... Gunnar saw the way Nancy's eyes narrowed and concluded that Kaol wasn't just arrogant, he was clueless, suicidal, or both. "Actually, from what I've observed, Gable could do flawless surgery if she had nothing but a bat'leth to work with," he replied, speaking up before she decided to make a non-combat exception to 'do no harm', "I take it your experience in combat is otherwise you'd know that there is great artistry and skill involved in successfully managing a MassCal - but it's the artistry of a great improvisional musician rather than of one precisely reproducing a well-rehearsed piece."
Gable inclined her head to Arnason. "I'm still not forgiving you for haring off to play corpsman, but thank you." She smirked at Kaol. "Anytime you want to learn proper use of a bat'leth, you just let me know."
"I'm sure if I ever need perform surgery using a bat'leth, you'll be the first one I consult with," Kaol replied. "I'm sure you're both very proud of what you've accomplished, but when it's all said and done, the treatment patients receive on the battlefield will ultimately need to be cleaned up by a surgeon like me, and they would indeed be lucky if I'm the one operating on them. I can do near miraculous things with a scalpel," he said smugly. "As I said, if you want to experience the next level of medical practice, you know where to find me. And I'll be sure to save a spot for you, Mr Arnason, on my team."
"I appreciate the offer," Gunnar replied politely, while privately laying a bet on how long before Gable at least Gibbs' slapped the man. "But I hope you take the opportunity to learn from Dr. Gable. From what I've seen out there, you're going to need to expand your skill set to meet the needs of the patients you're most likely to be seeing."
Nancy smiled. And wondered if it would be too obvious to go get popcorn. Gunnar was all but useless in a physical fight, but that infuriatingly polite way of his was practically a verbal stiletto.
"I'm sure she will continue to try to teach me her ways as I will continue to try to get her to recognize my superior skills..." Kaol said. "It is rather disconcerting how chaotic it is out here, but that's all the more reason I and my skill set should be here to provide a level of care that would have previously thought to be impossible on board a ship."
The laugh nearly escaped this time, but Gunnar had been a nurse long enough to have a very good laugh suppression when it came to bragging doctors. But he was definitely going to find the nurses here to talk to later. "How very fortunate for those who survive to receive to it," he managed near deadpan.
Nancy had no such reservations and snorted a laugh. It wasn't the 'bless your heart' one of her distant cousins in New Orleans would have used, but close enough. "You'll find, Doctor, the only thing Nurse Arnason is likely to find impressive is commitment to what's best for patients. Starting with keeping them alive." she tipped an eyebrow at Gunnar. "Even if he sometimes forgets that keeping himself alive should be factored into that."
"Fair." Gunnar inclined his head, smiling back slyly. "Unlike some doctors, I am willing to admit my failings."
Kaol raised an eyebrow to both Gable and Arnason, he could see how the two would work well together. They have both been so far removed from quality medical treatment protocols that they were basically feral medical professionals. He genuinely feels bad for them, "Sometimes it takes an objective second opinion to help some see the light... I'm glad I can be of assistance to both of you."
Wow. Gunnar could practically see Kaol's point about a second opinion whooshing right over his own head. He glanced at Gable - which was a mistake because she was clearly thinking the same thing. This time he couldn't quite swallow the laugh, and Gable outright guffawed.
"I told you," she laughed triumphantly. "You owe me that bottle of vintage bloodwine."
Kaol rolled his eyes exasperated and sighed. Fools, he thought to himself as he walked away. They'll see the error of their ways one of these days. And they'll be glad that he's on board.