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Heart to Heart

Posted on Sun Apr 18th, 2021 @ 5:30pm by Major Ashley Rogers

1,221 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Chapter IV: Unravelling the Mystery
Location: Major Rogers' Quarters Ourainavassa
Timeline: 238702.16

Major Ashley Rogers had to replicate a new uniform and it wasn't easy to do with Romulan systems. Granted, it was easier than she anticipated, which made her question how much the Romulans know about the Federation. Her thoughts were interrupted by her door chime.

"Come in," she called out, wondering who would pay her a visit this late. Usually it'd be either Mila or Miles coming to chat, but the person coming in wasn't who she was expecting, nor necessarily welcome.

Commander Ashley Rogers entered the door, "Am I interrupting?"

Ash looked at the Terran, "No. What do you want? Don't you have more stew to make with Renee?"

Terran Rogers chuckled, "As much as I would like to spend more time with her, the stew wasn't quite the hit we thought it would be. Who knew your crew didn't trust me and my crew preferred Renee's cooking?"

Ash shook her head, "The fact that this surprises you makes me question your tactical prowess."

The Terran chuckled again, "Your universe is a more welcoming one, like my Captain said. I thought maybe it would be an opportunity to broaden my horizons."

"Disappointing, isn't it?" Ash said. "Welcoming or not, we can't separate our pasts from our present and future. Or does your time traveling make you forget that?"

"Is that why you hate that uniform so much?" the Terran asked. "The rank pips are crooked."

Ash looked at her uniform, "They're fine."

"They look fine now but not when you put it on," Terran Rogers pointed out.

"They're. FINE," Ash said, "Did you come all the way over here to make sure I'm going to wearing a uniform tomorrow?"

"No. You said you wanted to know our crew like we know your's. I'm here to let you ask me questions. The last thing I want is for the funeral tomorrow to be awkward," the Terran said. "And don't you lie to me. I am you. Let's start with Renee... how the hell did you let someone like her get away?"

"I don't care if you're me, that's none of your business," Ash growled.

"If we want to get to know each other, there should be a two way dialogue," the Terran said.

"I never said I wanted to know you. I think I can figure that part out. What I can't figure out is your ship, your crew, your real mission," Ash said glaring at her double.

The Terran scoffed, "That's the easy part. We've been completely transparent and I know why you're sending Mila. She would be smart enough to figure out if we are lying."

"Oh get off your high horse," Ash interrupted. "I'm sure there is some mission to save the universe. But at what cost? Hmm? How many more times do I have to put that damn thing on?" she pointed angrily at her uniform. "How many more innocent lives will I have on my conscience?"

The Terran considered the words of her counterpart, "You're not quite what your psych profile indicates... not surprising. They're so... standardized. An assassin with a conscience? How ever did the Section recruit you? Ah wait... you didn't always have one. In their zealousness to use their favorite toy, they broke it. They turned their prized killer into someone they didn't expect. How close am I?"

Ash continued glaring at the Terran. Being psychoanalyzed by herself was the last thing she wanted to do tonight.

"I'll take your silence as acknowledgment that I'm on the right track," the Commander nodded. "I've seen your record... and quite frankly the records of a lot of different versions of us across many different timelines. All of us are quite similar, honestly. I've yet to encounter a pacifist botanist living a quiet life on some out of the way planet."

"Is that why you haven't killed Mannerheim for command? Or any other previous commanding officers? You seem content to be second fiddle," Ash pushed back.

"There's something to be said for patience. And knowing yourself," the Terran said. "As I've said, I've been jumping timelines and universes for a long time. It's something I'm good at. And something I believe in. It may be difficult to wrap your head around it, but it's what you're running from isn't it? Your inaction led to innocent lives being lost? That uniform reminds you of that? Hmm? I've devoted my life to this: To preserve time and space, no matter what the cost. Being a Captain isn't what I want, nor would it allow me to continue doing what I do. I've accepted who I am. Why haven't you?"

"That's why I don't trust you. We are going to be the cost. How many people will die here for you to accomplish your mission?" Ash asked.

"I can't tell you that. Even if the answer is no one dies, I can't reveal that to you," the Terran responded.

Ash looked at the other her and nodded, "That's what I needed to know..."

"I haven't said anything," Commander Rogers stated.

"You didn't have to. We're the same person, remember?" Ash pointed out.

The Terran's eyes narrowed, "Whatever you're thinking, it's more complicated than that."

"I'm sure," Ash said looking herself in the eyes, "You don't sent an Ashley Rogers on simple missions. How close am I?"

The Terran broke eye contact first, "You never answered my question about Renee."

"What, your dossier on us didn't tell you everything you needed to know?" Ash scoffed.

"Why did you leave her?" the Terran continued to push.

"Because... being with her wouldn't allow me to continue doing what I do... I can't put her through that again and again," Ash said softly.

"She's a adult, she can make her own decisions," the Terran smirked.

Ash glared at her, "Is that for you or for me?"

With an eyebrow raised the Commander replied, "Both?"

"I hate you," Ash seethed.

"Because you hate yourself. Which is fine. I'll let you in on a little secret. Somewhere out there, is a universe where everything has worked out for us. There's an Admiral Ashley Rogers, decorated war hero. Has friends and family that love her. Married, even kids and a dog and a couple of cats. And for some inexplicable reason, a Targ... yet she still lies awake every night feeling guilty for everything she couldn't do," the Terran explained. "We are who we are. No matter what uniform we wear or what career paths we've taken. I've taken this opportunity, as a Time Soldier, to reflect on that and put my life in perspective. Perhaps you should too."

"Aren't you lucky..." Ash said sarcastically.

"Ah the sarcasm is out. My job is done here.. Well... ponder what I've said," the Terran then nodded at the uniform, "I'm telling you, the pips are crooked."

"Get out."

The Terran mock saluted the Major and then walked out the door. Ash looked at the closing door and then at the uniform before muttering to herself, "It's not crooked. She's not right. I did not just talk to myself for 20 minutes....I'm going to bed. And I'm not still talking to myself." She then let out a primal scream, "DAMMIT!"

Outside in the corridor, Commander Rogers heard the scream and chuckled to herself, "I am so predictable...."


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