Heading for friendlier waters
Posted on Mon Aug 3rd, 2020 @ 12:42pm by Colonel Sehan t'Varis & Plot-Related NPC
481 words; about a 2 minute read
Chapter I: Resurgam
Timeline: 238612.22
Raven was sat in her ready room, exhausted. The failed operation the previous day had left its mark on all of the crew. Although they had not lost any personnel, the discovery that the whole transaction had been a trap had shaken everyone's confidence. The mystery of this "Vulture" setting traps for Romulans across the sector was not one to dismiss, either. All in all, the young mercenary mused as she scratched Eavy's ears, it had not been a good day.
For now, however, the Raven's Claw was heading for a friendly port. The crew was in need of some shore leave, and they were starting to run low on supplies. So, Raven had ordered that they set course for Drozana, a decomissioned Starfleet station that had long since become a hive of scum and villainy infamous throughout the quadrant. The perfect place for Raven and her crew to regroup and maybe even pick up some reinforcements.
The Commander's musings were interrupted by a chime from the console on her desk. Intrigued, she opened the comm channel. It was Gedak, whom she had left temporarily in charge of the bridge. "Boss, there's a call from you. Romulan officer called Borex. Said he got our number from Areinnye."
Raven frowned. "Patch him through," she said, and quickly straightened her tie and sat up straight, just as the Ferengi's face on the screen was replaced with that of a Romulan, who had clearly seen better days.
"Lieutenant Borex of the medical vessel Sianna. Am I speaking to the one they call Raven?"
The mercenary nodded. "You are indeed, Lieutenant. I am told you got our details from Commander Areinnye?"
"I did indeed. It is a relief to finally get through to you. We were with the refugee flotilla. Less than a day ago, we were attacked by pirates. We were the only ship that escaped. Areinnye told us to contact you in case of trouble."
Raven cursed. Another setback was the last thing they needed. "Tell me more, Lieutenant."
"They came out of nowhere. Klingon birds-of-prey. Boarded the flotilla. We managed to fight them off and get away, but I am pretty sure they captured the other ships. A big freighter was with them. I think they took all the people."
Another curse. "What is your status now?"
"Pretty beaten up. We have high casualties, and our ship is barely holding together. We need help."
Raven sighed. "We are en route to Drozana station. Meet us there and we will see what we can do about this mess."
"Understood. We should be there in a few days."
With that, the channel closed. Raven shook her head. Who could have thought this would go so wrong. Gently, she put Eavy down on the floor, before getting up. She was going to have to tell the Subcommander about this new mess.