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Posted on Sat Apr 11th, 2020 @ 4:43am by Commander Povis Tolium & Commander Areinnye t’Vraen & Centurion Nancy Gable

1,442 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Prologue: Before the Inferno
Location: Bridge of the 'Ssaedhe'

The motley assortment of ships that lazed through space together looked completely mismatched. A pair of hulking, ancient aehjae-class freighters formed the core of the group, along with a trio of Apollo class transport vessels loaned from the Vulcan Merchant corps. One Romulan d7 brought up the rear. The ancient vessel ‘Ssaedhe’, designed by the Klingon Empire and acquired by the Romulans during the 2260’s during a lopsided trade was the only non-civilian ship in the flotilla, but the vessel was so antiquated, it wouldn’t fare much better in a fight.

General Dorvaela stood on the cramped bridge of the Ssaedhe, observing the other ships which cruised leisurely in front. According to the manifesto of each ship, they were carrying convalescents, infected with a flesh-eating disease that had been reported first by operatives on Rator III and had quickly spread across much of the Empire. The fear of the virus, he hoped, would make the patrol ships minimize their questions.

He was roused from his thoughts by the approach of Major Kasca Pilum, his most promising officer. Kasca was joined by a young, human male.

“Who do we have here?” Inquired Dorvaela.

Kyle responded quickly, his red eyes meeting the General's, yet forgetting his recent resignation from Starfleet, “Lieutenant Junior Grade Kyle Perigrin- err, ex-Lieutenant Junior Grade Kyle Peregrin, at your service sir”

Dorvaela arched a graying eyebrow at the human. “ know, ordinarily I’d worry you were a spy for the Federation. But no spy would have the backbone to make that sort of slip-up.” He said, eyeing the young man.

“I can see why a human on your ship might unsettle you, sir,” Kyle said humbly, “But there’s a reason I filed my Starfleet resignation publically. I don’t agree with their decision to abandon the Romulan people as they did. This Flotilla was the perfect opportunity to show that.”

The wrinkles of the old General’s face deepened as he laughed. “My, what an earnest young fellow. You’ll find my people reluctant to trust anyone, especially a human. However, our agents in your government assure me that your story checks out.” Dorvaela said.

Major Pilum piped up, “We are eager to put you to work, Mister Peregrin, any contribution has value,” he said in earnest.

Dorvaela watched the chief medical officer approach the trio as they spoke.

“And speaking of valuable contributions, Doctor Gable here is the person responsible for the convincing aesthetics of our convalescents. How did you manage that, Centurian?” asked Dorvaela.

Walking onto the bridge, Nancy Gable suppressed a wry smile at the rank - another thing she was still adapting to in this new role. She was dressed in dark grey and blue-hued clothing, not as bright as the former teal tinted uniform of her days in the Starfleet, but entirely removed from what she associated with customary medical colors. Slung over her shoulder was a medical kit and hanging from her belt both a blade and what appeared to be a Federation issue phaser. It was a far cry from the 'Do No Harm' look of most doctors in the Federation, but in this one matter she had developed some sympathy for the Klingon part of her heritage and revised her oath to 'defend the lives of my patients'. "Jolan Tru, General. I have a sub-specialty in pathology, and," she hesitate a beat, not wishing to say too much. "considerable experience with infectious disease, so I have seen the effects of such things up close. It was a simple matter to create the appearance in the convalescents you had gathered."

Finished speaking the physician noted the fact there was someone else new on the bridge, one whose appearance was distinctly non-Vulcanoid. Her brows raised in a hint of surprise as she studied the Sub-Lieutenant. "I thought there weren't going to be other humans amongst the crew, General."

“Kyle is a new addition. Moved by his passion to help our people, I believe?” Asked Dorvaela.

"Yes, sir," Kyle said taking over, "My parents were involved with the effort before... well... You've likely seen the official reports. Mars was razed and Starfleet pulled back all their relief efforts. When I heard about this Flotilla departing the Planet of Galactic Peace, I just knew I had to be a part of it." Kyle said, eying Sorak's phaser for a moment before meeting his gaze. "I'm sure you feel the same, sir."

“General, Mogai-class warbird de-cloaking off the portside!” The tactical officer reported. On the view screen, the dull brown flying-wing design of the ship slowly hazed into the visible spectrum.

“We are being scanned...and hailed, Sir” said the officer.

“Onscreen, Lieutenant” said the General.

"This is Commander Tolium of the Warbird Triiaris. Under the jurisdiction of the Romulan Star Empire, I demand you heave to and submit to boarding. Non-compliance will result in the destruction of each vessel which does not adhere. State your business," The Romulan commander demanded cooly, a slight smile evident in the corner of his mouth.

The General squared his shoulders and addressed the Commander, who had not given him the proper address his rank demanded. “This is General Dorvaela, by order of the Senate I am overseeing the transport of convalescents to a medical facility in the Vardenn sector. Come aboard if you wish, but the chief medical officer informs me that she is unsure of how the disease spreads” countered Dorvaela.

"Commander," Kyle said, piping up, pulling his Starfleet issue Commbadge, "as a representative of the United Federation of Planets and their efforts, I can assure you that the grain and passengers these ships carry have sealed the fates of this crew. If you'd like to join our ranks, we'd be more than happy to welcome you, but from what I've heard from Doctor Gable, here, the affects of this disease is... shall we say, unpleasant. Would you care to elaborate, Doctor?" Kyle says, his red eyes moving to Gable, hoping his phaser wasn't the only thing Starfleet about her.

"Certainly," Nancy stepped forward, regarding the Commander with the look of a doctor completely sure of her superior understanding of the situation, particularly measured against that of a mere enforcer of policy. "There is a pathogen with an R0 of at least 5, meaning that it is very highly contagious with multiple vectors of transmission. We have established some, but not all of these, as measures at containment have thus far proven inadequate. This is partly because decline is initially slow and many appear asymptomatic despite carrying the contagion. However, once it passes a threshold, it develops rapidly, leading to necrosis in the dermal layer and eventually working into the soft internal tissues." She frowned. "If you board, I cannot guarantee that you and your crew will not be infected. I can, however, guarantee that if a member of the boarding party contracts it, your entire vessel will be compromised within 5 days."

Commander Tolium sat as still as before with no change in his attitude or expression, he leaned forward, "All I see is a traitorous General consorting with enemy turncoats to flee the Empire! Whatever your intentions are they will not succeed, I say again, submit to inspection or be destroyed," he said with the restrained rage.

Dorvaela’s brows lowered into a scowl. If so much wasn’t at stake, he would take this welp before the senate and make an example of him. Insolent blowhard, he thought. “Come, Commander. I truly hope you get what you’re asking for” he said coldly.

Nancy narrowed her eyes at the Commander. "If you come make sure your men have full protective gear." She pushed up a sleeve, revealing what appeared to be a long swath of puckered, blackened flesh. "The only effective treatment we've found so far is cauterization, and I've noted that a lot of males get squeamish about using that on the softest of their external tissues."

Kyle subtly looked down for a moment and visibly shivered to attempt to drive the point home

Tolium was taken slightly aback with the comment for him to accompany the boarding team and at seeing the haggard flesh, then steeled himself, "Prepare for my arrival. I will take whatever precautions I deem necessary. Triiaris out."

A silence filled the bridge of the Ssaede, Major Pilum had been quiet as he watched the interaction play out, "General, I might have a plan."


General Dorvaela
Flotilla Senior Officer

Major Kasca Pilum
Guard Battalion Commander

Sub-Lieutenant Kyle Peregrin
Leader of R&D

Centurion Nancy Gable
Leader of Medical Sciences


Commander Povis Tolium
IRW Triiaris Commander


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