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A New Protector

Posted on Fri Apr 10th, 2020 @ 10:10pm by Colonel Sehan t'Varis & Lieutenant Hatham tr'Krotash

1,362 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Prologue: Before the Inferno
Location: The Raven's Claw
Timeline: 238612.13

Raven was sat in her small ready room, mulling over the coordinates that she had received from Vrih. They pointed towards an old space station, about a day's travel away - and just within Romulan space. she could not hide her genuine curiosity at what the job might be - Vrih had been extremely cryptic in his short message to her - but she was also a little apprehensive. Was this going to be a trap?

Since Daisy had left the crew a few weeks earlier to try and find a safer home for her and her little sister, Raven had been without a personal guard, which was something that had left her chief of security, a humourless romulan called Teli, to constantly be in her ears about needing protection. She had even given her some files with recommendations - to think that Teli even kept personnel files! On a mercenary ship!

Raven chuckled to herself as she browsed the files. Teli had chosen three candidates, two of which were already on the crew. An orion male, who seemed to be even less intelligent than the brute that had protected her before Daisy, and a bulky romulan named Hatham, that had only recently joined the crew. He had served with the Romulan Imperial Galae, and become muscle for hire after the Reman rebellions.

Finally, Raven pressed the intercom button on her desk. ::Hatham tr'Krotash, could you come to the commander's ready room please?::

::On my way, Commander:: The reply was almost reflex after his years in the Galae, but unlike those days Hatham did not pause to check his uniform before heading to the ready room. He was wearing his standard work clothes - dark durable fabric with enough grey shading to allow even someone of his size to blend into shadows if necessary. There was a utility knife (large enough that one utility was as a weapon) at his belt and unseen the several actual weapons hidden on his person.

Arriving at the door, he straightened before activating the signal. He hadn't been aboard long, and to the best of his knowledge had done nothing that might make her to take either positive or negative notice of him. Of course some captains even on merc ships simply liked to get a read of new crew, which was a good policy in his opinion. "Hatham tr'Krotash reporting as requested," he announced.

Sat behind her desk, the young woman with short, dark red hair did not look like the commander of a mercenary band, with her plain white shirt and fingerless black gloves. Her black leather skirt and tall leather boots looked somewhat more combat-ready, and the phaser pistol and long dagger on her belt showed that she was indeed ready for combat. Behind her desk a tattered Tal Shiar banner adorned the wall, and a Klingon bat'leth with clear signs of use was on display with it, with Raven's long black leather coat hung off one of its spikes.

When the romulan reported in, she looked up from the documents she was reading, and nodded. "Hatham, good to see you. I hope you are settling in well with the crew." She pointed at the chair in front of her. "Please, take a seat."

Hatham took in the office, particularly the Tal'Shiar banner, and actively resisted raising an eyebrow. It was obvious a remnant of her past - the question was whether she had been aligned with them or taken as a battle trophy. The fact the she was clearly hybrid didn't help to clarify the issue, since it was entirely likely that the Tal'Shiar would recruit half-castes for use outside the Neutral Zone. Nevertheless, he merely inclined his head respectfully as he took the offered seat. "Well enough. I am pleased to meet you as well, but I assume there is a reason beyond a mere welcome aboard."

Raven nodded. "Correct." She pointed at the file in front of her. "My chief of security gave me your file. And it looks impressive so far. Tell me, Hatham, do you have any experience in providing personal security?"

"It would be pretty strange if a security vet my size didn't, wouldn't it? I've also earned free drinks a few places by playing bouncer," Hatham replied with a soft chuckle, but then turned serious. "So, yes. I've been contracted as a bodyguard for a couple merchants and for the last surviving granddaughter of," he paused a moment, "let's just say a 'politically unpopular family'. In the latter case, the job was limited term - I ensured safe passage to a designated guardian." He glanced at the file. It wasn't often those were put together on a ship like this. "I take it there's someone in need of personal security."

"Yes," Raven replied, with a slow nod. "there is indeed. My personal bodyguard has temporarily left the crew, and I am in need of a replacement. We are on our way to a business appointment, and I need someone to provide security. I can look after myself, really, but I still want to bring a guard, for appearances. I don't expect trouble, but you never know."

Hatham nodded approvingly. He much preferred working with people who had the sense to know that no matter how capable they might be, backup was still a good idea. "I am honored to serve," he replied formally. "Do you want me there primarily for appearances or do you want me to handle the security contingencies as well?"

"Well, you may as well be an actual security guard, don't you think? The rendezvous coordinates are at a Romulan Navy fleet hub. We have acquired privateer credentials, so we won't have to worry about getting in, but nevertheless, we need to be careful not to be identified fully."

She pulled out a PADD and handed it to Hatham. "Here's the details of the cover. Reviewing your service history, you are going to be yourself - after all, you are known to work in private security. I will be using my usual civilian identity. Captain Sehan t'Varis. The privateer pass identifies the ship as the Nova, which matches its original Tal Shiar commission. As I said, I don't expect any trouble, but better be ready for anything. Questions?"

He took the PADD, scanning it. The question that sprang immediately to mind was whether that Tal Shiar commission was still active, but he was nowhere near stupid enough to ask it. He'd review the information, dig as much as he dared within the parameters of his security role, and keep his eyes open. If this ship turned out to be a Tal Shiar operation or even in their pay, he'd find another berth at the next port - a common enough thing for an independent operator like him. "Are we collecting anything at this meeting or just discussing arrangements?"

"From what my contact has told me, we are only discussing the details of the job at this point." She paused. "Centurion Vrih Tal'Aura. No, not related to the politician as far as I am aware. Did some business in the past, he's now a pilot in the fleet. However, I believe he himself is only a middle man, I don't yet know who the actual job is for. Which is another reason why I think bringing some muscle is probably a good idea."

Not knowing was a point in the direction of 'not Tal Shiar', but, on the other hand, it might also be exactly the cover story they'd choose to create that assumption. "I can some discreet inquiries about him. I still know a few people in the fleet," he offered neutrally.

Raven nodded. "Please do. Anyway, we are due to arrive at our destination in twenty hours. Make sure you are well rested and prepared on arrival, we are docking and going straight to the meeting, on the station's observation deck." She nodded, as if to herself. "Unless you have any other questions, that concludes our meeting."

"None," he said, rising from the chair. There was much to check, and not a great deal of time. "I will be ready."


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