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Posted on Fri Feb 26th, 2021 @ 6:04pm by Lieutenant Mila Lynn & Colonel Sehan t'Varis

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Chapter III: The Hunt is On
Location: Drozana Station
Timeline: 238702.04

The repairs on the Epoch-class fighter were pretty much complete, and, with some help from the engineers, Mila had even been able to modify the ship's torpedo launcher to be compatible with the same type of torpedo carried by the Ourainavassa. She had affectionately named the little ship"Munin" after one of the ravens of the deity Odin in Earth's Norse mythology - the ravens were said to fly around the world and bring knowledge of it to the King of Asgard, an image she thought was quite fitting for their crew's primary scout vessel.

With work on Munin wrapped up, the young scientist had decided to take the afternoon off and head to the bazaar to try and acquire some more equipment for the ship's science lab. Although it had originally been well-equipped, the pirates that had taken the warbird from its Tal Shiar creators had stripped much of the more portable devices, probably to sell them on the black market.

After about an hour, Mila had purchased a handheld mineral scanner, a scientific tricorder, and some other, smaller items, and was on her way back to the docking bay, carrying a bag full of her purchases. She had just left the turbolift, when she felt a rough hand grab her shoulder. Since the station was generally quite noisy, she had turned off her implants once she left the bazaar - which now proved to have been a bad idea. Roughly, the huge Gorn that had grabbed her, spun her around, and grabbed the bag Mila was carrying. Quickly, the girl touched the control panel for her aural implants. "Hey, what are you doing!," she shouted out at the same time.

Unimpressed, the Gorn gave her a toothy snarl. "Nice swag you got there, little girl. I'll be taking that now." To emphasize his point, the big lizardman reached behind his back, where he was carrying a large bat'leth. "You can just give me the bag, or I'll take your hand off."

Before Mila could respond to the threat, a voice called out from behind her. "Shame you just had to pick this particular girl to pick on today." Raven shook her head as she stepped around the corner she had been behind. Despite her tiny size compared to the Gorn, the metal pauldron on her shoulder and the red cape flowing from it made her an impressing appearance. Nevertheless, the Gorn gave a barking laugh. "And you are going to do what about it, tiny?"

Raven shook her head. "Wrong answer." She reached behind, drawing her Blazefire Sabre out from the holster that was hanging off the back of her belt, just as the Gorn pushed Mila aside and drew his Bat'leth. Raven smirked. "I've been waiting for an opportunity to try this thing out," she said, with an almost menacing tone in her voice as she casually flicked the weapon, unfurling it into its sword configuration. The Gorn let out a hissing snarl, and, raising his weapon over his head, lunged at Raven.

However, the Gorn had underestimated the agility of his much smaller opponent, who swiftly stepped aside and swung her sword at her attacker. Unfortunately, the Gorn was an experienced fighter, and, just before the blade connected with his arm, managed to swing his own weapon around to deflect the blow. Now, the two had all but traded places, with Raven between the Gorn and the turbolift. Both were in a combat-ready pose, the Gorn holding his bat'leth across his body, and Raven assumed a strike-ready stance, holding her blade in one hand and using the other to balance herself.

"Well then, ugly," she finally said, pointing the tip of her Sabre forward in an almost mocking way. "Let's dance." Again, the Gorn lunged forward, and the two exchanged blows, with Raven easily deflecting or evading each of the Gorn's attacks.

Meanwhile, Mila, who had been thrown against a wall and collapsed onto the floor, had sat up, and was watching the spectacle unfolding in front of her. With the two fighting it out in the middle of the passageway, there was nowhere for her to go.

Finally, the Gorn made one mistake too many. As he raised his weapon for yet another strike, Raven swiftly moved into the opening, her blade slicing through the lizardman's arm. He howled in pain as his right arm fell to the floor, still clutching the bat'leth, and a fountain of blood erupted from the stump. As he recoiled and collapsed onto a knee, Raven folded up her Blazefire Sabre into its gun form, and held it against her bested opponent's head. "Tell me why I shouldn't pull the trigger, ugly."

For the first time, the Gorn's eyes actually showed fear. His demeanour, however, remained defiant, as he spat at Raven, who was now standing at roughly the same height. The mercenary chuckled. "Have it your way, then," she said, and pulled the trigger. The gun made a strange clicking noise, and the Gorn collapsed, a small hole having appeared in his forehead. Raven simply shook her head, and slid her weapon back into its holster.

Mila had managed to pull herself together, and gingerly walked towards Raven. "Um... thanks," she stammered, after a moment. "I... didn't hear him coming."

Raven placed a hand on the shoulder of her science officer and smiled. "This is a rough place, Sublieutenant. Mila. Keep your implants on when you are walking around here. And always keep a weapon handy, you'll never know."

The young scientist nodded meekly. "Yes ma'am. Thank you ma'am." Her commander chuckled. "It's okay. You were lucky I was here, though. Stay out of trouble now, okay? Ash would not be happy if you went and got yourself killed."

Without another word, Raven headed for the turbolift, leaving Mila to pick up her bag and continue on her way back to the ship. She was right, the young scientist thought to herself. She should have just used her brain, and stayed out of trouble. Hopefully, Raven wouldn't tell Ash...


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