State of the Sim: 19 May
Posted on Tue May 19th, 2020 @ 8:28pm by Colonel Sehan t'Varis
Jolan tru, crewmates.
As you know, our esteemed CO is currently on extended leave of absence due to health reasons, as he has explained on our discord server. While I have not had word from him, we all hope that he is well and will return to us in due time.
However, in the meantime, the sim continues, and to that end, I have assumed the mantle of acting Commanding Officer. In this position, I will oversee the continuation of our story, as closely as possible to the originally intended plot. I will be aided in this by the two acting Co-Subcommanders, Lt. Kaiae t'Lien and Major Kasca Pilum.
As before, the command team of our sim operates on a fairly flat structure, with all three members more or less equal in position, although the Commander holds the final veto on any decisions taken.
In light of the current global health situation, we maintain our very liberal LOA policy, where 4 weeks LOA is granted upon request, without need for any further explanation; any further LOA will be granted as long as it is justified. However, in order to minimise the number of players to go AWOL, that is, show no activity on the sim without having requested leave of absence, I would ask every player on the sim to check in with the crew on Discord by the end of this week, Sunday 24 May. Anyone who does not respond to this call will be contacted directly, and if no response is received within two weeks, the offending player will be suspended from the sim.
This is just a routine housekeeping measure, that will from now on be performed once every three months, and naturally does not apply to any players currently on LOA.
Thank you for your continued support of this venture, and I am sure we will continue to write great stories together.
Best regards,
Subcommander Sehan "Raven" t'Varis
Commanding Officer (acting)
IRW Ourainavassa
Category: General News