State of the Sim: 3 August
Posted on Mon Aug 3rd, 2020 @ 12:59pm by Colonel Sehan t'Varis
Jolan tru, crew!
After several setbacks and some difficult times for our sim, we have finally made it to the end of Chapter I: Resurgam. We have now arrived at the infamous Drozana station, for some well-earned shore leave, as well as to join up with the crew of the Flotilla hospital ship - and to welcome some new and old members of the crew onto the Raven's Claw. Our time at Drozana will also be spent further seeking leads into the identity of the mysterious Vulture, and preparing for the mission to finally acquire the warbird IRW Ourainavassa. Good job, everyone!
In other matters, we are currently working on getting full backdoor access to the website, in order to finally give us back a proper, individual skin, as well as to update the rank set. There will also be some shuffling around on the Discord, and generally some updates on how the whole sim is run. More on this in due course.
Since the last news post, some things have obviously changed, with me taking permanent command of the sim, with Kaiae t'Lien as Subcommander. We have also sadly seen quite a few people depart the sim, to the point where we held a meeting to decide the future of the project. And I am happy to see that not only did we decide to continue the story, activity has also come to an all-time high. Recruitment is ongoing, and if any of you know anyone who may be interested in joining our small family, do please send them our way.
I know we will continue to grow our crew together, develop our characters, and tell this epic tale of adventure and drama. And I am very much looking forward to it.
Thank you, everyone.
Commander Sehan "Raven" t'Varis
Commanding Officer
Category: General News