State of the Sim: 31 August
Posted on Mon Aug 31st, 2020 @ 6:41pm by Colonel Sehan t'Varis
Jolan tru, crew of the Raven's Claw.
I must say, I am proud of us. Over the past week, ten JPs have been posted, and there are quite a few being worked on at present. Considering that two months ago, we were discussing whether we would have to shut the sim down completely, this has been remarkable progress.
And this newfound momentum means that we will soon move on our story. With the Vulture looming over us, ghosts of the past reappearing for both Raven and Ash, and the questionable involvement of Starfleet Intelligence, what's next for our adventuring band of misfits?
All I will say is this: acquiring the Ourainavassa, the prototype warbird that will become our permanent home, will bring challenges of an entirely different nature than we would have expected. More spectres of the past will rear their heads, and surprising discoveries will be made. Never a dull moment!
On an OOC note, the specs for Taryn's shuttle, the Kestrel, as well as the specs and deck plan for the prototype Ourainavassa-type Mogai-class warbird are now available in the appropriate sections of the website, and the promised new skin for the sim is under construction, and will be applied in due course.
Please do keep up the energy, and carry on making this the amazing sim that it is.
Thank you, everyone, for sticking with it.
All the best,
Colonel "Raven" t'Varis
Commanding Officer
Category: General News